Saturday 27 August 2011

Forrest Gump (1994)-A beautiful fable for now and the future

What I find completely ridiculous is why this movie, in my opinion one of the best ever, has such a low rating, so I've tried to figure out what some found against it.I noticed that the haters of this movie who make it have a lower rating than it actually deserves mainly argue that it promotes the government's politics of submission: the idea that "if you're an idiot but you do what you're told then you will be rewarded, but, if you experience life then you're going to die a miserable death." I'm not an American myself so i don't have any intention to defend the government or anyone else, but I think that the political events witnessed by the character in the movie make many miss the whole substance of the film. I think these bits of history only add to the magic of the film, making Forrest part of a fantastic world that seems so incredibly real though.

How can somebody say that Forrest is just an idiot, an ordinary person who does everything that he is told to do? It appears to me that in fact,in his innocence, Forrest does what he feels he has to do,no matter the situations and the people around him, lead only by an inner sense of right. So what actually seems to be special about Forrest is that, regardless of his intelligence, he has the capacity to discover simple truth and life values that all the others around him miss: he tries to save Bubba endangering his own life, he gives Bubba's family money and mainly displays simple goodness in everything he does.

So if you haven't yet seen the movie or you were disappointed by it, try watching it without analyzing things that much and just open your heart towards that world. The brilliant humour, the hilarious yet touching acting, the special effects and the uplifting message are totally rewarding.

1 comment:

  1. its gr8 to see u watched this movie with such interest because i loved the movie as well n d haters as suggests are haters they cant like anything just because of the fact that they cant do as well as other...
