Thursday 5 April 2012

THE ARTIST-- now in the list of my favourts

George valentine and peppy miller‘s beautiful romantic tale ,where there is a love without ego.

This movie depicts that success and failure come and go but a real sucess is only for those, hv true love.

Brilliant direction, really i saw such a mesmerising direction aftr a long time .

Amazing performances by all actors

Watch this movie if u want to see a one of the greatest romantic movie came in last 10 years.

*****/***** thumbs up

Sunday 1 April 2012

DHARM: reality of humanity

I was looking for this movie from a long time but today i got the chance to watch this beautiful story and incredible performance by PANKAJ KAPOOR. I think its our fortune to have such a great versatile actor.

A simple story directed by bhavna talvar.reallt from starting till the end, specially in the end, this flick will move your perception about what the dharma exactly is abd there is no religion greater than humanism.

Watch this movie if you like a good cinema.

50/50: a beautiful movie

Movies come and go but a few of them always stay with u, those few are very special,very very special one.
Same with this movie 50/50

Lewwit is a brilliant actor, he played the role of a cancer patient with a ease that you would not exept with such kind of roles, few people think that he has absence of emotions on face with this role but i think he played it very normally that a real cancer patient can easily answer you.

His frnd kelly fine, but the outline of this movie is so strong that it will make ur puple heart blue.

Based on a true story, 50/50 is now in my favourite list.

8/10 thumbs uup.