Tuesday 25 September 2012

mOOnrise kingdom---A delightful watch..

Wes Anderson makes films about small worlds in which big things happen: love, heartbreak, calamities, death. In his latest, the wondrous storybook tale “Moonrise Kingdom,” a girl and a boy, both 12, run off to a remote inlet on an island where most of the adults seem disappointed and more than a little sad. The girl and the boy are very serious — about love, their plans, books, life itself — and often act older than their age. She wears bright blue eyeliner; he puffs on a corncob pipe. You wonder what their hurry is, given that here adulthood, with its quarrels, regrets and anguished pillow talk, can feel as dangerous as the storm that’s hurtling toward the island, ready to blow it all down. Anderson’s visual style and narratives, in other words, are his own. He draws you into his fantastical worlds with beauty and humor, and while their artifice can keep you at somewhat of a distance, this only deepens the story’s emotional power, especially when he lowers the boom, as he always does. After watching this movie now wes anderson is one of my favorite directors.this is really a cute movie about cute love..believe me its not one time watchable///i mean it

Monday 24 September 2012

BARFI----india's official entry to oscar, but undoubtedly a masterpiece of love

BARFI!!! review :- "The most creative piece of work that indian cinema ever produced" If u r an emotional person like me, then plz go to the theatre ..dnt read any review, any article..blive me u won't get disappointed. And if u wil mis ths movie..then its just ur badluck. Barfi is more sweeter than the sweet itself. Its not about that "larger thn life cinema"(salman khan fans..pls avoid barfi, its not for u) but I wud say its the innocence cinema..an experience that u will never forget in your life.For me, although I faced big screen aftr a long period but I think my dcision was great. Barfi gives us the true meaning of love and life. This movie shows that its impossible to define love. A philosophy that says love has the power to break any physical barrier. In the valleys of darjeeling..the movie gets it soul. Ranbir kpoor shows his potential that he can easily justify sense of humor without voice. INNOCENT CINEMA with BEAUTIFUL PERFORMANCES BY EVERY ACTOR ..AND BEST PERFORMAnce of priyanka's career so far..I won't say best performance of ranbeer's career(although he gave more thn 100%), bcz aftr BARFI! , My graph of expectations to r.k is very high.but yes he was outstanding. Now MUSIC...songs are good but the background score is the life of barfi as a movie. Pritam, the robin hood of music gave his best so far... Now lets talk about why this BARFI" has its original taste. The credit goes to ANURAG BASU..I hv to say that barfi is the most innovative and creative piece of work that indian cinema ever produced..and every credit goes to anurag basu.... It was just his courage and a very intelligent decision that he took risk.bcz aftr KITES:-(..this was really a great choice:-) Each scene is beautifully filmed with with with a proper logic...and the magical cinematography that makes us visualise the life of MURFY"!!!"!".... Iliana dcruz ..."shruti"...(dcide urself) I dnt want to spoil anything. Lastly I wud like to say Dnt wait for anyone..even if u r diabetic ..blive me this sweet has the potential to cure u... U will come out with a SMILE ..which is very precious but a stranger thesedays :-)

Thursday 5 April 2012

THE ARTIST-- now in the list of my favourts

George valentine and peppy miller‘s beautiful romantic tale ,where there is a love without ego.

This movie depicts that success and failure come and go but a real sucess is only for those, hv true love.

Brilliant direction, really i saw such a mesmerising direction aftr a long time .

Amazing performances by all actors

Watch this movie if u want to see a one of the greatest romantic movie came in last 10 years.

*****/***** thumbs up

Sunday 1 April 2012

DHARM: reality of humanity

I was looking for this movie from a long time but today i got the chance to watch this beautiful story and incredible performance by PANKAJ KAPOOR. I think its our fortune to have such a great versatile actor.

A simple story directed by bhavna talvar.reallt from starting till the end, specially in the end, this flick will move your perception about what the dharma exactly is abd there is no religion greater than humanism.

Watch this movie if you like a good cinema.

50/50: a beautiful movie

Movies come and go but a few of them always stay with u, those few are very special,very very special one.
Same with this movie 50/50

Lewwit is a brilliant actor, he played the role of a cancer patient with a ease that you would not exept with such kind of roles, few people think that he has absence of emotions on face with this role but i think he played it very normally that a real cancer patient can easily answer you.

His frnd kelly fine, but the outline of this movie is so strong that it will make ur puple heart blue.

Based on a true story, 50/50 is now in my favourite list.

8/10 thumbs uup.

Monday 21 November 2011

Let me start off with my view of the film, I've been a fan of Tintin since I first saw the cartoon back in the early 90's, though never read the comics. When I saw the credits of who wrote, produced and directed the film, you think to yourself this film is going to be awesome, there is no way with all that talent they can't possible f**k this up (and they didn't). You have Spielberg directing, Peter Jackson as a producer. Also the writing team great with Steven Moffat, known for Sherlock, Dr who, Coupling and another of my child hood favs, Press Gang. Finally you have Edgar Wright, who wrote and directed Shawn of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

The version of the film i saw was 3d, as it was a preview and i didn't have a choice. Normally i watch all my showing in 2d as i think its personally a fad and a rip off and the films i have seen excluding Avatar, i didn't think the 3d aspect improved the film going enjoyment one bit. This again is my option while the 3d is nice, and the shots going through glass and water was really good, there was nothing else that would have me pulling out another £2 a ticket. I would have been happy with a basic 2d version.

On to the film story, TinTin (voice by Billy Elliott's Jamie Bell) buys a handmade ship in market. As soon as he buys it he gets a number of offers of people willing to buy it from him, which TinTtn rejects. When he gets home Snowy, Tintin dog, breaks the ship and a hidden clue rolls out, which begins Tintin trying to work out what it means. Tintin then gets kidnapped by the evil Ivanovich Sakharine (Daniel Craig), who is after the clue. This where Tintin mets up with Captain Haddock as they set of trying to work out the meaning of Tintin clue.

The film is a really mixture of action and adventure. We see the heroes on board ships, rowing boats, fly airplanes, riding camels, having car\bike chases and crane fights. The time flew past for me and not once did i feel bored, this was probably down to the amount going with the film, the quick pace of the action and the different locations of the characters were always in. It reminded me of the Indiana Jones films a lot, where he is on the hunt for treasure, and he only has half of the clues, and the bad guys have the others half and both sides are trying to get the other half for the themselves. He then needs to go around the globe via different transportation to get the info he needs to find the treasure.

There is also a large amount of humour in the film, seeing as Moffat, who wrote coupling helped write it, this is no big surprise. While i got the jokes neither my nephew (3) nor niece (8) did. So I am assuming that these were aim at the adults watching.

The characters the film makers can't chance much from the original Hergé comics, but Tintin I did find too goody goody, the captain is great character, who is drunk loser, but has a kind heart and wants to do the right thing. The bad guy, Sakharine, is perfect, scary enough to make you believe that he is ruthless killer who is a greedy and after revenge, but on the other had not going over board to make the kids feel scared or afraid of him when he was on screen. There is also the two comic relief characters of inspector Thomson, who are on screen just enough to make you smile at the pratfalls and their stupidness, but not too long for the jokes to wear thin so you're sick of seeing them.

My rating of the film would be 4 out of 5.

On to the kids view of the film. i was watching this movie with a 2 year old big baby.


t for 5 years old and up this film and adults included this is a must see.

Saturday 3 September 2011

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

today i saw this movie after 7 months and its still as fresh.one of my most favourite movies ever.No movie ever made has influenced me more than this classic. had loved it, but I never really knew what it meant. During the course of the production, I suddenly felt alive. I felt that I wasn't having enough fun. I felt that I wasn't doing enough in my life. Crazy things, like kissing my mother or my father. I hadn't really hugged one of them in a while. It makes you think. It's more of a thinking person's film than a mere Christmas film. If you think it's just a Christmas film, I insist you watch it again and again, until you get the message.

Stewart gives the finest performance of his career, in one of the most difficult characters ever portrayed. A character all of us are familiar with...a person looking to find himself/herself. It's the great struggle for finding what it is in life you really want to do. George Bailey teaches us so lessons throughout the film and in the end he teaches us the most important lesson of all, that life, although a long and winding road, truly is (for lack of a better word) wonderful...